Monday, December 16, 2013

Things are coming together.

Work has been continuing on the cottage and it is really starting to come together. 

Both bedrooms have been painted and will be complete when the carpet and baseboards are installed.  Re-cycled trim from Eric's house was brought back from Long Island and re-purposed as trim for windows in our cottage.  We brought back exactly enough to finish all the windows!  Ron's 45 degree miter cuts were pretty good for an amateur.  Nothing some caulking can't hide. 

The main bedroom with 2 windows is a light gray with darker gray closet doors.

The guest room is sage green.  It wouldn't be a "project" unless there was a "do over".  The room required a second coat after a faux pas by our painter.  Was it Ron or Sue? 

This room has 1 window and a door to the back yard.

The bathroom has also seen some changes.  The tiling is done but needs to be grouted.  We probably would have had this finished but the very extreme temperatures this week - highs of 10 - made us postpone this work until after vacation. The vanity, sink and a shelf have been added along with the trim.  Plumbing will go in in the spring so once we grout the bathroom will be complete.

Ron found a vanity that was the right size for the bathroom and thanks Eric and Col for the shelf.

Just needs some plumbing and a little window trim. 

The kitchen is complete with the exception of finishing off the island and grouting the backsplash.  I really like the way the counters and the backsplash compliment the rest of the colors in the room.

Ron busy at work

Boy that sink was heavy(cast iron). It should last forever! 
Getting everything sealed up.  Note that Ron wears his work clothes until the project is done or they can stand up in the corner by themselves.  Note our house just outside the window. 

Nice view from the sink

View of kitchen

Another kitchen view

The island.  There will be seats at the back side of the Island. 

Nice work area in the kitchen

The main area.  We need to finish off the back of the Island.  Note one of the rolls of carpet to be laid in the bedroom - when we return from vacation.
What's left to do.  Mainly the "porch" room.  This has been our work area up till now so when we return we will clear it out.  Tile and grout the floor and decide what to do with the knotty pine walls - I vote for a nice clean paint job.  Ron votes to keep it "natural".  What sayeth you all?
That's all for now - We are off to enjoy the holidays with our family.  Merry Christmas to all!