Friday, November 22, 2013

Bathroom Tile

Before we head off for Thanksgiving vacation, first to Western NY and then to Long Island, I'll post our latest accomplishments in the cottage. 

Ron has been busy tiling the bathroom.  He is almost finished but we still need to find a vanity first.  We were going to use the one from Christine's bathroom but decided it was too big and would crowd the bathroom so we will keep our eyes open for the right one.  Come on Craigslist... Daddy needs a vanity. 
800 pieces of tile .... and I need more!  Still have to grout it as well.

While Ron has been tiling I've painted woodwork, doors, a bathroom cabinet and the guest bedroom.


Bedroom doors

Bathroom cabinet
Guest bedroom - starting to put woodwork on.

Tile with trim

Toilet area

While we are making good progress we had one setback.  Our well driller went 150 feet and didn't hit water. We have a very expensive hole in the side yard though. The rent will be going up Trish!!! ;-) That means that we will have to draw from the lake which is what we do for the other cottage. 

When we return we will grout the bathroom, paint the main bedroom (up until now we were cutting tile in there) and start putting in the kitchen and island countertops, and the backsplash.  I was going to show a picture of the backsplash but I'll make you wait for the next blog.

Now it's time to rest for a while and spend time with the family.  We need a break as we've worked almost daily to get a lot done.  Although discouraged about the well, we'll muddle on after Thanksgiving.  Is that a light at the end of the tunnel I see?