Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Painting Fun!

Although it may not look like it from the pictures a lot has been happening at the cottage. We have laid down the Durorock in preparation for tiling. With 40+ screws in each 3 x 5 sheet Ron has been busy. 
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Durorock is down.
After laying the Durorock we primed the entire inside of the cottage.
Painting Fun!

How do I always seem to have so much paint on me?

In between painting Ron has been working on building a shed to house the hot water heater and pressure tank.  This will free up room in the bathroom and under a kitchen cupboard.

Ron working on utility shed

Shed nearing completion

Ron with his Boo-boo - Who knew too much screwing could be bad for you?  The screw gun and the screws didn't like my index finger.... ouch.

Ceiling painted... light blue

Future kitchen

Bathroom wall painted - the rest will be tiled

Main room walls painted.... cobblestone (beige)
Next on the to-do-list is to sand and paint the kitchen cupboards. We will probably take a few days off when Ron's parents, aunt and sister come to visit. Then it's back to work and laying lots and lots of tile on most the floors and bathroom.  And setting up the kitchen cabinets.  And call back to our friend and electrician/plumber/jack of all trades - Rey Hanson will move us all the closer to completion.