Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tiling, Kitchen Cabinets and Well Drilling

The work continues . . .  Taking our "recycled" cabinets we have been playing with the layout to see how to best configure the kitchen.  Before we can install that though we need to finish the flooring.
Kitchen set-up - Cabinets still need to be painted.

View of kitchen from the front of the cottage.  There will be an island.
 Along with the tiling and cabinets work has begun on drilling a well.  I'll have to get a picture of Larry who is in charge of the well.  Here is the equipment.  I'm jealous - we don't even have a well at our house.  Cross your fingers that we get good water.
Well drilling equipment

Bathroom fan and light - Eric does this look familiar?

Canister lights are all installed.
 We not only have lights but the three electric baseboard heaters make it much more pleasant when working.
Painting cabinets - Oh Joy!

Another Hand-me-down from Eric and Colleen. - Bathroom light

Clowning around at the end of a work day.

Tile, Tile and more tile.

As you can see Ron is almost finished with the tiling in the main area of the cottage.  We may be able to get the grouting done before we go home this weekend. When we get back we will install the kitchen.